One thing that Bloom is about is the intent to build a network of creative supplies. Today we come with a list of stage castings scheduled for this weeks, mainly in Hong Kong. If you are interested or know someone who might be just use the contacts bellow.
Thank you and good luck:
The Film Factory is casting for a TVC. They require Hong Kong people or Asian looking talent.
1. BOSS - Male, age 40-50, Cantonese speaker.
2. AGENT - Male or Female, age 25-30, Cantonese speaker.
3. BANK STAFF - Female, age 20-30, Cantonese speaker
4. WAITER - Male, age 20-30
Casting Dates: 19-24 January, 2009
Contact: Apple
Ph: 9655 5514
This company is looking for two actors for an upcoming short film. The film is about internet romance, sex and virtual identity.
1. MALE - Chinese, age 30-35, average build.
2. FEMALE - Chinese, age 30-35, good body.
Auditions: After Chinese New Year
Such Films is casting for a TVC.
1. FATHER - Male, age 30+, Cantonese speaker.
2. KID - Male, age 5-7, Asian look.
3. LADY - Female, age 20-25, ABC/Asian look
4. MIDDLE AGE WOMAN - Female, age 45-60, Cantonese speaker
Contact: Candy
Ph: 9426 4152
Star Fantasy is looking for a female Filipino actor to play a Filipino maid.
Shooting Dates: End February, 2009
Star Fantasy is looking for a range of young Filipino's for various main and extra roles in upcoming movies.
1. BOYS & GIRLS - Age 5-8
2. GIRLS - Age 11-13
Shooting Dates: February & March, 2009
Contact: Keely Chow
Ph: 9163 3376
This company is looking for actors to play roles in a video game for release in the US.
1. ELSIE - Female, Caucasian, blonde, height 5' - 5'6", age 20-25, American accent, must be able to ice skate (martial arts training is a plus).
2. INES - Female, Chinese/Eurasian, height around 5 foot, age 20-25, American accent.
3. TOOTHBRUSH - Female, age 20-25, dark skinned, brunette, height around 5'7"+, Australian accent.
4. FRIDA - Male, age 20-25, Indian/Mexican/Middle Eastern, thin, American accent, height shorter that 5'11".
5. DICK - Male, age 20-25, Korean/Chinese/Japanese, overweight, height 6 foot+, American accent.
6. KING KONG - Male, age 40-50, Asian, tall, lean, American access (bald is a plus).
7. UNCLE S. - Male, age 30-50, dark skinned Asian/Indian, lean body.
8. PRIEST VEGETA - Male, age 20-30, Korean/Chinese/Japanese, average height, American accent.
9. GRANDMA LEUNG - Female, age 55+, short, Chinese, American accent.
10. SYDNEY OPERA - Male, age 30-40, blonde, average height, Australian accent, looks like Steve Irwin.
This job may span over the next few months or possibly year. Please send headshot and resume.
Audition Dates: End February, 2009
A variety of actors are wanted in the following roles for a health drink TVC.
1. COLLEGE STUDENTS - Male and female.
Casting Date: February 15, 2009
Shooting Date: Early March, 2009
Contact: Stephanie
Phone: 9263 2355
This company is looking for a middle aged male actor of any nationality to play the role of Paul Sheldon in a stage version of 'Misery' by Stephen King.
Casting Date: 3 February, 2009.
Contact: Jodi
Ph: 9193 6640
Go get them!
Bookmarkers: Bloom Jobs, Creative Network, English, Hong Kong, Macau, Performers
The Albergue opened officialy yesterday. Lights, sound, exhibitions, a fashion show, scheduled the event that started at 6 o'clock with a a mighty organization and a crowded audience. Among them many of the VIPs of Macau leaded by the Chief Executive, Edmund Ho. It was an effusive ocasion to glow a line of projects that are coming to this venue. The event marked the intention to grow to a new level. The potential is all there, we will see in the coming months what the future reserves for the whole space and for the district of St. Lazarus where creative industries pretend to flow.
For our part, Bloom is still displaced on the heart of its body. We're still walking and beating but through alleys and sideways. If there's the challenge to overcome for a new life, on a second and strong opportunity, on the same way we are faced for a huge operation that must be accomplished without scars and that needs certainty and consistency. We just want to clean everything, forget the past and start from ground zero onwards. Still today it's hard and painful to return to Bloom Red where the bones and remains of its destruction are completly visible. It's a nightmare on air going through weeks and weeks and we're tumbling down on the way to something that will come, but has time goes it gets more close to a dream then to anything else. We're hoping for the happy ending though.
Bloom Yellow is at Albergue, where the flashes went on. But even there we're faraway to engage on something solid, because we're still raining. Yellow is part of a rainbow and can't be made of shaded colors. We'll give it time. But we can't last forever on the side of un-definition.
Apart from all that, with or without us, Bloom wishes a long life and a great success to Albergue.
Bookmarkers: Albergue, English, Macau, Noise, Revolución, Typhoon, Vida / Life
Não se tem passado muito aqui por este lugar. Estamos meio absortos na esperança de uma resolução que possamos tocar com as mãos. Até lá é isto. Um céu. Um tempo. A terra que nos segura. Não existirá para sempre por baixo dos nossos pés.
Mas iremos voltar a este posto com mais regularidade muito em breve.
Bookmarkers: In Bloom, Macau, Português, Vida / Life
This is for Boys and Girls! You just need to bring your guts and come along with us. Where SPEED beats TIME in real life!Hey, are you a speed racer? Are you feeling cold this Winter? Are you sure? It doesn't matter if you're sure or note, what matters now is SPEED and TIME! Everyone knows that! You should also know.
So, while you're thinking, while you wait for something better later in the year, why not coming for a great afternoon in the depths of tarmac just outside the border of Macau. Yeah, it's in Gongbei, in China, across the main road of shops and bars, where they have these menus with everything for sale.
Meet up at the Border Macau/Zhuhai. Sunday afternoon at 2pm. Or send SMS to 66800024. Or look for Sergio Perez on the radar, he's the guy to beat!
PRICE: 120 RMB for 30 minutes (in periods of 10 minutes races.)
DAY: Sunday, 18 January 2009. 2 PM.
WHERE: Somewhere in Zhuhai City!! Follow us!
If you are looking for the best speaker system to pair with your mobile sound device, Zikmu is the choice to make.
Zikmu is the product of the association between the leader in wireless mobile telephony devices Parrot and the awarded designer Phillipe Starck. The system is a set of 2.5 feet tall speakers that use Bluetooth to communicate with each other. Thanks to Parrot's NXT technology they are able to relay sound 360° arround the room , using an extra-flat mebrane to create small-scale vibrations across the speakers' entire surface.
"We were not aiming to create just another speaker," says Philippe Starck. "Our design focused more on making the air vibrate. There is actually a three-dimensional feel to this vibration, meaning that the air is palpable, almost humanlike in presence, like a fragrance."
They're not around yet, you still have to wait untill Spring. In the meantime you can start to save your money because this combo will cost around 12 000 HK$ (1.500 US$). The good news is that you're not buying just an extreme sound quality for something you use everyday but also a work of art on a unique piece of design that you can always be proud, just for looking at. [SOURCE: ECOUSTICS]
Bookmarkers: Design, English, Sound, The Greatest
MX-LIBRIS is a new kind of taxi vehicle for the Latin American region. With zero-emissions and an iconic form, it aims for a friendly urban appeal.
MX-LIBRIS is a zero-emissions vehicle incorporating a range of selected technologies from the transportation industry that are appropriate to the Latin American region. The vehicle has been specifically designed as a taxi, taking into consideration the cultural, urban transit, demographic and climate conditions of cities in Latin America. The use of technologies such as fuel cells and “drive-by-wire” make a more optimised use of space by replacing mechanical components with electronic ones and therefore providing more interior space. The vehicle is compact but high to facilitate access for passengers and driver.The exterior design, which strictly follows its functionality, has been designed to intentionally become an icon of Latin America. Its asymmetric and sui-generis (or unique) form – moving away from typical car styling – make it a memorable object that locals and tourists will recognise as a forward-thinking icon, as opposed to a follower of car trends. The interior design, also asymmetric, responds to the functional needs of both passengers and driver. The interior layout maximises the use of space and promotes interaction between passengers by placing the fourth one facing the other three as well as leaving a central hallway for access.
In terms of sustainability, the design considers several aspects – from the no-emissions technologies to material selection and energy consumption. The aesthetic design does not follow either a sports or family car look because it deliberately aims to create a new segment of public transport with a friendly urban appeal.
• CREATED BY ZANIC DESIGNMacau should just address the importance of these matters and help to create solutions to solve the serious problem of polution in the city. Build a MX-LIBRIS made in Macau, we have everything to learn with this project and use it to carry on, building a bright future. That's why BLOOM is here, to help creating better worlds. Come with us!
Bookmarkers: Buenos Aires, English, Environment, In Bloom, Macau, Revolución