Man Booker Prize for Fiction Winners

1970: Rubens 1971: Naipaul 1972: Berger 1973: Farrell 1974: Gordimer, Middleton 1975: Jhabvala 1976: Storey 1977: Scott 1978: Murdoch 1979: Fitzgerald 1980: Golding 1981: Rushdie 1982: Keneally 1983: Coetzee 1984: Brookner 1985: Hulme 1986: Amis 1987: Lively 1988: Carey 1989: Ishiguro 1990:Byatt 1991: Okri 1992: Ondaatje,Unsworth 1993: Doyle 1994: Kelman 1995: Barker 1996: Swift 1997: Roy 1998: McEwan 1999: Coetzee 2000: Atwood 2001: Carey 2002: Martel 2003: Pierre 2004: Hollinghurst 2005: Banville 2006: Desai

The Man Booker Prize for Fiction, also known as the Booker Prize, is one of the world's most prestigious literary prizes, awarded each year for the best original full-length novel written in the English language by a citizen of the Commonwealth of Nations or the Republic of Ireland. A separate prize for which any living author in the world may qualify, the Man Booker International Prize, was inaugurated in 2005. A Russian version of the Booker Prize, the Russian Booker Prize, was created in 1992.

The prize was originally known as the Booker-McConnell Prize after the company Booker-McConnell began sponsoring the event in 1968, and became commonly known as the "Booker Prize" or simply "the Booker". When administration of the prize was transferred to the Booker Prize Foundation in 2002, the title sponsor became the investment company Man Group, which opted to retain "Booker" as part of the official title of the prize. The prize money awarded with the Booker Prize was originally £21,000, and was subsequently raised to £50,000 in 2002 under the sponsorship of the Man Group.
[Source: WIKIPEDIA - You can find the complete list of winners and shortlisted authors here]


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