July 26 - Saturday
The City as a Subject for Literary Expression
Talk + Creative Writing Session by Hong Kong writer Xu XiIn collaboration with the Department of English of the University of Macau the writer from Hong Kong, Xu Xi, is coming to Macau. The program is a 2 in 1. A session on Creative Writing and a Talk focused on her work and experience as a writer on an urban tissue. You are welcome to attend the two events, the admission is free. We believe that it will a great and unforgettable experience from the "pioneer writer from Asia in English", that were the words used by The New York Times to stage Xu Xi. It will happen this coming Saturday once more at Bloom Yellow. The Creative Writing will start at 3 pm and the Talk at 6 pm. Don't miss them!
Focused on urban, congested life, Xu Xi, a Chinese-Indonesian native of Hong Kong, writes from within, zooming in on her own life in the city and its vanishing culture and sensibility. This surreal example of post-modernity transformed into a 21st Century Communist Chinese city informs her latest book, Evanescent Isles: From My City-Village, a collection of personal essays.
XU XI (pronounced “Shoe-See”), is one of Asia’s leading English language writers. Author of seven books of fiction & essays, and editor of three anthologies of Hong Kong literature in English. Awards include an O. Henry prize story, shortlisted for the inaugural MAN Asian Literary Award, Cohen Award from PLOUGHSHARES for best story, a NYFA fiction fellowship, the South China Morning Post story contest winner, among others. Her work is taught, broadcast and anthologized internationally. Her language is described as “uncluttered” and “arrestingly poignant.” She is, above all, uncompromising.
Co-organized by the Department of English of the University of Macau.
MORE INFO AT: www.xuxiwriter.com
[SPECIAL THANKS to ANDREW MOODY, GLENN TIMMERMANS and XU XI who made this event possible.]
Bookmarkers: Albergue, Aprender / Learning, Bloom Exclusives, English, Escritores / Writers, Hong Kong, In Bloom, Literary Studies, Macau