The first to arrive

The Grandmothers is the first of Doris Lessing's titles to arrive to Bloom after the announcement of the Nobel prize winner. More are coming, but this you can already take later today. Is a Harper Collins paperback edition that goes unnoticed with you to read until dawn claims the light of the day.

With the four short novels in this collection, Doris Lessing once again proves that she is unrivalled in her ability to capture the truth of the human condition.
In the title novel, The Grandmothers, two friends fall in love with each other's teenage sons, and these passions last for years, until the women end them, vowing a respectable old age. In Victoria and the Staveneys, a young woman gives birth to a child of mixed race and struggles with feelings of estrangement as her daughter gets drawn into a world of white privilege. The Reason for It traces the birth, faltering, and decline of an ancient culture, with enlightening modern resonances. A Love Child features a World War II soldier who believes he has fathered a love child during a fleeting wartime romance and cannot be convinced otherwise.

The Grandmothers, by Doris Lessing • HARPER PERENNIAL • ISBN: 9780060530112 • 336 PAGES • 2004


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