Dazzling dimensions

It's with great enthusiasm that we welcome the opening of the new field of entertainment named Ponte 16. Is just a few steps away from us and we regard them with cheerful spirit.
When we came to this area of Macau we praised its unique ambience shaped on the lines of history and placid dominions. Now we have new neighbors. Even if they are conceived on large proportions and on different targets I guess we’re sailing the same way, pushing this area to the gleam of another era showing the truthful heart of Macau as a city of culture and historic values, with its genuine presence and not a replication of something else.
We send our best wishes to all the Ponte 16 team extended to the new Sofitel Hotel who will bring an all new component to Macau's lifestyle.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    The original project was much more unique. This is just a giant matchbox fallen from the sky on top of a xmas tree. And if the location is special the story is just the same: another casino with nothing new to entertain.
    Will these guys remember the people from Macau that can not hear about gambling and luxury shopping anymore?

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