Designers Union

Unite For Children

60 artists and graphic designers from all over the world (19 countries) are gather together on behalf of Childhood.

With the objective to inspire the creativity and the commitment to every human being and to participate on the UNICEF's actions. This cultural and social project, realized by APAG Editions with the partnership of UNICEF, goes beyond the ambition of any other book.
"In December 2006, UNICEF celebrated its sixty years of existence. We wanted to avail ourselves of this anniversary to pay homage to this institution through the making of the present book. To that end, we contacted sixty recognized or up-and-coming artists and digital designers from every corner of the world, whom we invited to join in our project.
Our initiative found an echo among them and they kindly agreed to participate in it, convinced that Childhood is worth illustrating, as pictures may sometimes have a stronger impact than words. However, the project's goal has never been to realize a commercial catalogue but definitively a graphics creation anthology.
That is why all potential participants have been selected by APAG members behind the project and by professional in graphics community on very specifics criteria. Our intention was to vary as much as possible the graphic styles appearing in this book.
With this in mind, we approached designers from diverse crafts : advertising, cinema, comic strips, webdesign, photography..."

Through 180 pages, you will discover various creations, some of them will be abstract, others more explicit; some will be radiant, others dark and pessimistic. Given that each artwork corresponds to the picture its author has of the world, it is obvious that all of them cannot reflect every artist’s ideal. The pages express the feeling about each artist and their work. As a "philosophical aspect" each work comes with a short text from its author.


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