For the city

THIS IS MY CITY is an event that aims to celebrate the urban life in its diversity of cultures and people.
By combining MUSIC, VIDEO ART and DESIGN this event invites everyone to experience the city of MACAU in sophisticated and creative way by presenting a multidisciplinary cultural experience.
The even started in 2006 with "+853 - for the global inscription of a local difference" by combining two different venues in the old Chinese part the city of MACAU and inviting the visitors to explore the old Chinese neighborhood, in an effort to promote the city in all its diversity.
Don't miss it tonight. Will happen at St. Lazarus district on what was called before the Old Ladies House, just near the church with the same name of this neighborhood aimed for a creative boost in Macau.
I'm sure it will send the rain away as soon as it starts.
Bloom will be also there in a few days with our second space.
We've not been here so much as before, we're planing and planing, but as we said while ago: STAY TUNED! We're building a better world!


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