Chronicle Green

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint is the world citizen's guide to pushing back the advance of global warming. This colorful handbook offers 500 practical, easily achievable ideas that conserve energy, prevent pollution, and save money. Did you know that unplugging appliances and cell phone chargers when not in use can reduce electricity bills by 10 percent? Or that recycling just one glass bottle saves enough power to run a computer for 30 minutes? Whether the subject is jet travel, dishwashing, or any of the 50 topics in the book, surprising statistics and innovative graphics will inspire action and demonstrate that simple habits can lead to big results.

Joanna Yarrow is a United Kingdom-based expert on sustainable living and the author of 1,001 Ways to Save the Earth. She is a frequent media commentator on environmental issues.

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
500 Simple Ways to Save Energy, Resources and Money, by Joanna Yarrow

The world is changing, and along with it, so must our eating habits. Author and restaurateur Jesse Ziff Cool has compiled over 30 years of knowledge about organic, local, and sustainable food into one magnificent cookbook. With 150 enticing recipes, Simply Organic encourages home cooks to embrace organics as a lifestyle rather than a fad. Cool organizes her chapters seasonally to ensure that the freshest, ripest ingredients enhance the flavors of dishes like Filet Mignon with mashed Potatoes and Leek Sauce in early spring to Pumpkin Raisin Bread Pudding in autumn. Inspiring profiles on farmers and producers reveal how these individuals are working to create a sustainable future every day.

Jesse Ziff Cool is dedicated to sustainable agriculture as a writer, spokesperson, and restaurateur. Her books include The Really, Truly, Honest-to-Goodness One-Pot Cookbook.
France Ruffenach is a San Francisco-based photographer whose work includes Tartine.

Simply Organic A Cookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, and Local Ingredients, by Jesse Ziff Cool • Photographs by France Ruffenach

When Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan founded Method, the environmentally friendly brand of cleaning products, they used packaging stylish enough to showcase on the countertop and pleasant aromas such as green tea and cucumber to transform household products into must-have lifestyle accessories. And when they coined the phrase "People Against Dirty," they weren't just talking about the stuff you track in on your shoes—they also meant the toxic chemicals that make up many household detergents. Packed with helpful tips and surprising facts, their first book, Squeaky Green, is a totally informative and completely entertaining room-by-room guide to giving dirty the boot. Squeaky Green is rehab for chemically dependant homes.

Chemical engineer Adam Lowry and marketing guru Eric Ryan are the founders of Method, the innovative manufacturer of consumer goods sold in over 25,000 retail locations in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. They live in San Francisco with their families.

Squeaky Green The Method Guide to Detoxing Your Home, by Adam Lowry and Eric Ryan

Record numbers of parents are choosing organic foods and non-toxic products that are healthier for their children and gentler on the planet—to the tune of $50 billion dollars spent worldwide last year. Now it's easier than ever to create an eco-friendly environment for little ones without sacrificing comfort and style. Author of The Healthy Home Workbook, interior designer and new mother Kimberly Rider offers parents dozens of solutions that fit their priorities and their lifestyle—and their budget. From cribs to bubble bath to baby's first foods, Rider highlights health concerns, navigates the range of available products, and guides the way to safe and appealing choices. Colorful photos, smart tips and guidelines, and tabbed sections make this an inspirational and practical handbook. In Organic Baby, Mother Nature truly knows best.

Kimberly Rider is a frequent guest on HGTV's Curb Appeal and a host of its 100 Sizzling Summer Ideas. She lives in Marin County, California, with her family.
Thayer Allyson Gowdy is a San Francisco-based photographer.

Organic Baby Simple Steps for Healthy Living, by Kimberly Rider • Photographs by Thayer Allyson Gowdy


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