Chinese New Year almost here!

The Lunar New Year is the most joyous, sensational and colorful of all the Chinese Festivals.
Despite this year's celebration being a cold one, let's hope this is a sign of prosperity and of a blooming new season ahead.

Coming days 7, 8 and 9 of February will welcome the Year of the Rat.
It's a new beginning of the cycle of 12 years and 12 animals of the Zodiac. There are many ways to tell the legend of the lunar calendar. Apparently the Buddha once summoned all living creatures to come before him but only twelve came at his bidding and the Rat was the one who won The Great Race.

"The crafty Rat sees chance dancing in every corner. She carefully hoards her finds, keeping bits of treasure and trash for a ainy day. In spite of her careful, thrifty ways, the Rat has many friends. Her clever charm and dazzling ambition are hard to resist."
A small excerpt from: My Mom is a Dragon and My Dad is a Boar, by Tricia Morrisey

To find out more about the Great Race and the animals of the Zodiac, we suggest that you come to Bloom and find this and many other books about the amazing Chinese New Year! [A THINGSASIAN PRESS EDITION]


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