Close-up on the farthest galaxies

Space fuels the Earth-bound imagination with wonder and hope. Today, most of what scientist know about the universe is learned from deep-space images. Cosmos brings together more than 250 of the most important of these in a picture compendium of elegant design, dramatic scale and accessible text. From close-ups of the surface of Mars and Titan to far-flung galaxies and nebulas, the book is both visually stunning and an excellent reference resource.
Discover the beauty of the universe with this collection of more than 180 extraordinary photographs that will take your breath away, that include full scientific commentary.
Cosmos combines some of the most remarkable photographs ever taken of our universe with clear, simple text which will appeal to everyone. The book is organized thematically so that the reader can navigate easily among the stunning images of different phenomena, which are grouped into nebulas, stars, the sun, the planets, satellites, galaxies, and the origins of the universe. Each entry is given a double-page spread or more for maximum visibility and understanding. Significant facts, including the name of the space probe or telescope that captured each image and the distance of the space phenomenon from Earth, are provided in data boxes. In addition, a section at the back of the book is devoted to the spacecraft the pictures were taken by – their purpose, who built them, where they have travelled and what they have discovered.

Cosmos - Images from Here to the Edge of the Universe,
by Mary K. Baumann, Will Hopkins, Michael Soluri and Loralee Noletti


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