Where are you going tonight?

Are you free this Saturday? If you haven't plan where to go with your friends yet, first you can go to the Underground One concert at the Inter-University Institute of Macau (IIUM) and
support Macau's original music.
The Underground Music Macau from the IIUM Centre of Arts, Technology and Education of is presenting Underground One, a music party featuring local musicians and their original music. Different bands are playing music ranging from hard rock to pop today, Saturday, from 19:00 to 23:00, aiming to create a memorable night of Macau's music. Inspired by the Underground in Hong Kong, a group promoting original music, Underground Music Macau's objective is to offer the opportunity for local musicians to perform original music and for music lovers to enjoy the talents of creative people in Macau.
Underground One is a private party, entrance is by ticket only. Tickets are available for sale at IIUM (Rua de Londres 16, Macau), and BookaChino at MOP$30 each.
Afterwards just on the next block you can go to Studio 17 and feel the beats with those special boys and girls for a biiiiiiiiiig splash and dash and get a short cut to Mars. It's Mousetrap 4. For those of you familiar with the address and ways to get inside the building after 12, "see you soon", says one of the organizers of the event. Those who don't, please call 66116664 for directions [check our map on the right side of this blog and look for The Studio]. It starts start at 11:00... and will go trough till... whenever you feel like and you have energy to stand it. It could take ages for you to go away from there. It's a mouse trap!
This is the night you can have today in Macau.


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