Is it you who is going to get it?

In 1988, the year before Tianammen Square Massacre, news shot through the village that Jian Ping had died. From Zhuhai City, he could see Macau just across the harbor, and apparently he had drowned while trying to swim across and smuggle himself into the country. At least, that is the information provided by the person who wrote the letter announcing Jian Ping's death.
Jian Ping had wrapped his documents and money into a bundle and tied it to his head. He waited for the sun to go down and headed to the outskirts of Zhuhai. Then with his eyes fastened on Macau, he began swimming. It was pitch black and he swam a number of miles, intending to slip secretly into Macau waters. To a Japanese, his action would probably appear unbelievably reckless. But I can understand his feelings so strongly in makes my heart ache.
Zhuhai and Macau are connected by land. You can stand on the streets of Zhuhai and look over at Macau. Just a breath away, a different country stretches out before your eyes, inhabited by the same race of people. And casinos. Macau has casinos. And money. Where there is money, one can do anything and go anywhere. In Macau people enjoy all kinds of freedoms, every freedom there is. But that freedom, we hear, is guarded by border patrols and surrounded by a tall wall wired with high-power voltage. Could there be a more cruel place on earth?
From «"My Crimes": The Defendant's Statement by Zhang Zhe-Zhong»
Chapter Five of Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino
We have three copies of this book and one can be yours. We specially recommend it. Come before they're gone. We close at 9 pm.


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