"Strolling in Macau" - Tomorrow at Bloom

We welcome you to be present at the introduction of the book "Strolling in Macau", tomorrow at 6 pm, at Bloom.

«Macau's walkability is just one of its many appealing features, which is why I believe the city deserves its own guidebook rather than a single chapter at the end of a guide to Hong Kong.
Hong Kong guidebooks tend to repeat the same standard clichés about Macau, describing it as a seedy Monte Carlo of the Orient lost in the shadows of Hong Kong. Rarely do these guides provide more detailed insights onto a city with a deeper and more nuanced history that Hong Kong, Macau's complexeties nonetheless demand more than a single chapter. They demand, in fact, an entire book.»

by the author, Steven K. Bailey

"Strolling in Macau" focuses on walking routes allowing one to discover the territory of Macau. Down to earth you can walk while enjoying the blossoms of the city. The narrow streets, the alleys, the cosy restaurants and the joint venture of a multicultural heritage that has endured for many years.

We will have a session with the Historian Jorge Cavalheiro, lecturer at the University of Macau, who will present the book while giving his thoughts on the whims of Heritage.
You can place your questions and opinions.

Please don't miss it. We will wait for you. Thank you.



  1. teresa said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    teresa said...
    Casinos are out of our tracks tomorrow !!! ;-) Enjoy the event!
    Helder Fráguas said...
    Great post!
    Macau is such a wonderful place. Like they say in Portuguese, “não há outra mais leal” (there is no other more loyal).
    Helder Fraguas

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