With short notice we are on our 4th month of activity. Some of our ideas and projects were achieved some others are still on the paper. But Bloom is there, waiting for you. Prepared to fulfil your needs. We still have a long road ahead. Most of all we want to build up our online presence in a different mode, taking Bloom directly to your home and put our collection of titles, and all the others from our suppliers, available for you to choose at every moment, 24 hours a day.
We need events to happen at Bloom. They are a oportunity to show up our work, to get contact with our clients and friends, and to share ideas between all of us.
For June we're having a book launching confirmed, gatherings around the written word, we'll do some reading sessions at our new Children's Space and we are going to be present at the Macau Tower in the Apparel Fashion Week.
What's more? Many things more!
Stay tuned!
Thank you for being there!

Bloom * Creative Network is a resourceful enterprise wishing to provide imaginative solutions and tools to create independent and better worlds.
Largo do Pagode do Bazar
Rua de Guimarães 206 R/C
Tel/Fax (853) 28920121
Calçada da Igreja de São Lázaro 8
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- Tufão Hagupit - Tribuna de Macau
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The Germinators
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Blog Archive
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- Brown Paper Packages, Tied up with Strings (part 2)
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- Brown Paper Packages, Tied Up With Strings
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- De onde espreitas tu, Natália?
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- The Harvest by Amy Hempel [part two]
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- The Harvest by Amy Hempel [part one]
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- Do sexo e afins – Fantasias eróticas, Segredos das...
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- Era vegetariano, também
- Phenomenons I like #2
- Estamos sempre à procura do erro certo
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- Phenomenons I like #1
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- Ninguém gravou, só deu uma vez e não vão repetir!
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- As técnicas da tua impressão
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- An indelible pleasure
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- O essencial da sombra
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- "Il faut cultiver notre jardin"
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