Wear bright colors. Open your mind. Learn a magic trick and entertain every kid you meet. Question your assumptions. Master a tune on a musical instrument. Hug someone. Let someone beat you in an argument. Daydream. Give books, not toys. Hold your temper. Enjoy life, a happier you is better for everyone else. Go for a swim. Give a stray animal a home. Volunteer for something. Give someone hope. Learn all about an historical era. Learn a dance. Compliment the next child you meet. Recycle. Try a drink you never had before. Indulge yourself. Don’t worry, be happy. Inspire someone. Climb a mountain [or even a hill]. Make someone laugh. Scare yourself. Right out of the blue, tell someone you love him or her. Remember the meaning of life [make others happy]. Set a goal. Give someone a break. Learn a song in a foreign language. Take the long way around. Stand up to a bully. Grow an herb garden. Read a children’s book. Attempt something incredibly difficult. Look for the best in someone you dislike. Develop an outlandish philosophy. Buy a puzzle toy and figure it out. Watch the sun rise. Get a complete health check-up. Ride a bicycle. Get a pen pal. Buy someone a non-birthday present.


  1. teresa said...
    And of course, you can always go to Bloom ;-)
    roisin said...
    And practice random acts of loving-kindness.
    Anonymous said...
    If none of this works try to get a new life!
    Anonymous said...
    Yep..go to tibet or find a shrink. you're lost dude.

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