In Full Bloom

Maybe you are trying to guess what are you doing here. Maybe you are just there blank. Blank with any thought to guide you. Well, this is the space where you can find information about Bloom, not only the Bookshop, as it's not just a shop, but for all its current creative network that makes the engine run. Who are we? You'll see.
For Bloom, the Space, it has opened one month ago, it was a great battle just to get close to that day, but we came climbing all the way up and now we can say it was worth it. All the steps. We made our collection of titles, we sold a good set of books and magazines and, most of all, people were happy for having this new place in Macau. Us and the Square just in front of the old Hong Kung chinese temple. We are close to History and with it we are heading to the future of our own heritage.
Visit it Bloom any time now. We are open from 14.00 to 22.00, everyday except Tuesdays. Come and check for yourself what we have. Even if you don't find what you want we can try to get it for you. Everything!
See you soon. Thank you.

1 Comment:

  1. ring said...
    And 3 years old today! Happy birthday, Bloom. Keep your fingers crossed and wake up! ;-)

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