Things about three magazines

We would like that our friends and customers from Macau could come to Bloom and bring and share their wisdom and their interest for unique things that perhaps we could not find anywhere else in the territory. This goes for the following three titles of magazines that we will soon bring on board. Is like placing a bet on a casino table. For us is always a win because we will breath them and we will try to go beneath the wisdom of their letterheads. It's a bit like dreaming. ;-p

Prospect was launched in October 1995 by its present editor David Goodhart, a senior correspondent for the Financial Times, and chairman Derek Coombs. The aim was to launch a monthly that was "more readable than the Economist, more relevant than the Spectator, more romantic than the New Statesman," as Sir Jeremy Isaacs subsequently described Prospect.

Prospect has acquired a reputation as the most intelligent magazine of current affairs and cultural debate in Britain. Both challenging and entertaining, the magazine seeks to make complex ideas accessible and enjoyable by commissioning the best writers, editing them vigorously and packaging their work in a well designed and illustrated monthly.

It follows that Prospect has attracted a mature, educated, affluent and discerning readership, many of whom have reached the top of their profession. Specific details can be viewed on the advertise pages. And is growing rapidly. The latest audit confirmed the circulation at 24,740 (ABC Jan-Dec 2005).

Dissent is a quarterly magazine of politics and culture edited by Mitchell Cohen and Michael Walzer. In the words of the New York Times, Dissent "ranks among the handful of political journals read most regularly by U.S. intellectuals."

A magazine of the left, Dissent is also a magazine of independent minds. A magazine of strong opinions, Dissent is also a magazine that welcomes the clash of strong opinions.

Each issue features reflective articles about politics in the U.S., incisive social and cultural commentary, plus the most sophisticated coverage of European politics you'll find anywhere outside of Europe. As the Utne Reader says, "Politics, economics, and culture come together in every article, giving the entire publication a balance most political journals lack."

First and foremost, this quarterly magazine is about art. Coffee table art books finally get the space that they deserve in both the reviews and in the interviews. Next in line are novels and the best fresh fiction on shelves today. Culture, interviews and letters follow closely behind.

Though the top publishers (HarperCollins, Simon&Schuster, Knopf, etc.) get their books reviewed, it is refreshing to see the the number of "small press" and "academic press" books that are also reviewed. The reviewers are from various walks of literary life (a writer, a poet, a Sr. editor, a contributing editor, a professor etc.) and almost always the reviews are engaging as well as informative.

If you like mind engaging writers, or are a fan of art books, you will not be disappointed with this highly recommended magazine.

That's it. You can also see their online editions where there's plenty of what you'll get on the printed version, so you can taste it first and buy it after. As soon has they come we'll let you know. There are also subscriptions available at Bloom at your command. Thank you!


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