People from Brooklyn #1

Julia Rothman is our first name on this section. She's an illustrator - should I say artist? - who lives most of the time in Brooklyn where she landed up her office. She stuns the world with beauty creations: illustrations, patterns, graphic design, etc. Like the Midas King, everything she touches produces fortune and gold. Check her work closely and then tell us what you think.

She holds up another site named Books By Its Cover and as the name goes it's a set of collected books that have been put online, a wide selection of genres but most of all they share the same aspect: the illustrations found on its pages, not just the cover but the whole book inside. The object. This is one example by Miyuki Yoshida the title of the book is Paper Folding for Pop-Up followed by what Julia wrote about it, so you can shape the site:

I was in Chicago last weekend visiting my Also partners Matt and Jenny, who also happen to be my best friends. They know exactly what I like and took me on a little excursion to this amazing architectural bookstore, Prairie Avenue Bookshop. Apparently it’s Chicago’s largest design bookstore. It was really big but most of it was full of architecture books which don’t really interest me as much. They did have a small section devoted to design books which is where Jenny found me this book. It’s a book that teaches you how to make interesting pop-ups. Some of them are really simple, a few cuts and folds. Others are ridiculous. The book was really hard to photograph with one hand holding the book open and one holding the camera, so these pictures don’t do it justice. I feel in love with it immediately- a book of blank pages that fold open to reveal a burst of popping color. I splurged on this book ($60), since I was on vacation and since I justified the purchase with the idea that one day this book would come in handy. I don’t know when I will make a pop-up book but when I do it will be so easy- this book comes with a cd full of templates. I also thought it would be hard to find elsewhere since it’s another PIE book. But I found you can get it here.

In 2002 Jenny Volvovski (a great designer), Matt Lamothe (a great animator) and Julia founded a company named Also, that's Brooklyn yes, right on the 3rd Avenue, where the world starts. Julia likes milkshakes, books and long walks with her dog Rudy. Send her your regards here.


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