Eye catching

When you look to the picture on the left immediatly opens a memory from something you already saw many times. No is not one of the Twin Towers burning is a painting from Georgia O'Keefe of The Shelton Hotel in New York City in 1926. It seems like a premonition from the past. Images that can repeat themselves in another way telling a story of their own and then under some other formula mutating into another event on another visual tray. It seems they were just made for your eyes only.

Georgia Totto O'Keeffe was an American artist born in 1887 in a farmhouse on a large dairy farm in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.
Her art is splendid with colour and laden with hidden sensuality. O'Keeffe's name rests mainly on the large-format flower pictures that have assured her an unusual place in the annals of art, between realist and abstract.

In the Basic Art Series from Taschen you can find a title dedicated to her. The study traces the idiosyncratic of O'Keeffe's career, and numerous illustrations document the most important periods in her lengthy life in art.

Available in over 20 languages, Taschen's Basic Art series offers budget-minded readers quality books on the greatest artists of all time. The neat, slick format and nice price tag make Basic Art books perfect for collecting.

At BLOOM we have BASIC ARCHITECTURE, ART AND GENRE you can take them home for 110 Mop$ only and make yourself happy. :-)


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